lunes, 29 de junio de 2015

Activity 3:

Play the rap again, but this time close your eyes and focus on listening to the words.
  • Are you able to follow the language used?
We understood almost everything.

  • What is the language like? How familiar are you with the vocabulary and expressions used?
The raper used understandable language which we were familiar with.

  • What is the rhythm like? are you able to tap it?
We weren’t able to tap it, it was sort of fast

Activity 4:
Read the lyrics of the rap on the right
  • How familiar are you with the ideas presented in the rap? Can you think of more examples of First World Problems?
We are familiar with the language. We think every possible example was on the video.

  • Can you identify with Zach? Why/ Why not?
No we don’t identify with him. We are indifferent to the situation.

  • What emotions does the rap evoke in you?
It is funny for most of us.

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